App Development

We are one of the longest serving in app developers and have been crafting apps since years. Over the many years we have worked with a wide range of brands from household names to national enterprises.

Our Proven App Development Process Is Smart, Lean, & Agile
Intelivita follow the Agile project management process to get things done faster and with maximum quality. We break down the entire mobile app development project into several phases, each phase dedicated to taking the project further to completion.

Why Bussiness Need App?

  • More than 50 percent of digital media consumption accounts for mobile apps.
  • Ninety percent of the time smartphone users spend on their mobiles goes to mobile apps.
  • A typical user has about 30 apps installed on his mobile and spends more than 35 hours a month using them.
  • Forty-two percent of the mobile purchases were completed from mobile apps.
  • Eighty-five percent of consumers prefer native mobile apps over a mobile website.

How We Start Our Development Process?

Rapid Application Development

Rapid Application Development or RAD is actually an agile project management strategy
which is quite popular in the case of software development or application development.

Planning of Requirements

It is equivalent to an entire project scoping meeting. Even though the planning phase is actually condensed in comparison to different other project management methods.

User Design/ UI Design

After the scoping out of the project, it is time to get into development, building out the entire user design through the different prototype iterations. It is the basis of RAD methodology, and this is what sets it apart from different project management strategies.

Swift Construction

This phase takes the different prototypes and various beta systems from the entire design phase and then converts them into a complete working model.

Advantages of RAD

It allows you to break the entire project into much smaller and more manageable tasks.
The entire task-oriented structure duly allows the project managers to easily optimize the efficiency of the team by assigning different tasks as per the specialities and experience of the members.
Clients can work on the entire working product being delivered into a much shorter time frame.
The regular communication, as well as constant feedback among the team members, increase the overall efficiency of the design as well as build process.


software outsourcing & development expert Microsoft technologies company in Vietnam

.NET Framework, Dropthings Portal,
MS Sharepoint, VSTO, Aspose


software outsourcing & development expert Java technologies company in Vietnam

Java, JSP/Servlet, JSF, J2SE/J2EE, RMI, EJB,
JPA, Struts, SaStruts, Seasar Struts, AJAX,
Hibernate, Spring, JBOSS, NetBeans


software outsourcing & development expert Open source company in Vietnam

PHP, Ruby On Rails, Python,
Drupal, Joomla, CodeIgniter, Moodle,
phpMVC, Smarty, Zend, Magento


software outsourcing & development expert mobile applications company in Vietnam

         iOS (Objective C, Swift), Android,
         Windows Mobile, BlackBerry,
         Ionic, Titanium, PhoneGAP


software outsourcing & development expert back end company in Vietnam

      Javascript, HTML5, CSS3,  
    jQuery, AngularJS, ReAct,
    yFiles HTML, Bootstrap


software outsourcing & development expert back end company in Vietnam

Web Service, Apache, Tomcat, GlassFish,
IIS, Websphere, Web Logic, GAE, FXCM, JWT,, NodeJS, ExpressJS, SequelizeJS


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  Oracle, SQL Server, Sybase, DB2,
  MySQL, PostgreSQL, MongoDB


software outsourcing & development expert multi platform company in Vietnam

MS Windows, MacOS, Red Hat Linux, CentOS,
Fedora Core, FreeBSD,
Amazon Web Service


software outsourcing & development expert testing company in Vietnam

Test Director, Quick Test Pro, Selenium, JMeter,
Device Anywhere, Robotium, UIAutomation,
Appium, Protractor, Jasmine, Karma, OpenSTA


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