Shipment Policy
At Focus Media, we specialize in delivering high-quality digital goods and services. As all our products are digital, we do not offer physical product shipments. Please review our shipment policy below..

Digital Goods Delivery

Delivery Method:
All products and services provided by Focus Media are delivered digitally.
Upon successful payment, digital products will be made available for download or will be delivered via email or a secure online portal.
Delivery Time:
Delivery times for digital goods vary based on the nature and scope of the project.
For most products, delivery is immediate upon payment confirmation. For custom software solutions, delivery timelines will be specified in the project contract.
Access and Download:
Clients will receive detailed instructions on how to access and download their purchased digital goods.
Ensure that your contact information is accurate to avoid any delays in receiving your digital products.
Support and Assistance:
If you encounter any issues with accessing or downloading your digital goods, our support team is available to assist you.
Contact us via email or phone for prompt support.
No Physical Shipments
Non-Physical Nature:
Focus Media does not offer any physical shipments or delivery of tangible products.
All transactions and deliveries are conducted electronically.

Contact Us
If you have any questions or concerns regarding our return policy, please feel free to contact us at:
Focus Media
Raipur, Chhattisgarh, India
Email: Phone: +91 9575126240

Software development expertise


software outsourcing & development expert Microsoft technologies company in Vietnam

.NET Framework, Dropthings Portal,
MS Sharepoint, VSTO, Aspose


software outsourcing & development expert Java technologies company in Vietnam

Java, JSP/Servlet, JSF, J2SE/J2EE, RMI, EJB,
JPA, Struts, SaStruts, Seasar Struts, AJAX,
Hibernate, Spring, JBOSS, NetBeans


software outsourcing & development expert Open source company in Vietnam

PHP, Ruby On Rails, Python,
Drupal, Joomla, CodeIgniter, Moodle,
phpMVC, Smarty, Zend, Magento


software outsourcing & development expert mobile applications company in Vietnam

         iOS (Objective C, Swift), Android,
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software outsourcing & development expert back end company in Vietnam

      Javascript, HTML5, CSS3,  
    jQuery, AngularJS, ReAct,
    yFiles HTML, Bootstrap


software outsourcing & development expert back end company in Vietnam

Web Service, Apache, Tomcat, GlassFish,
IIS, Websphere, Web Logic, GAE, FXCM, JWT,, NodeJS, ExpressJS, SequelizeJS


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  Oracle, SQL Server, Sybase, DB2,
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MS Windows, MacOS, Red Hat Linux, CentOS,
Fedora Core, FreeBSD,
Amazon Web Service


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Test Director, Quick Test Pro, Selenium, JMeter,
Device Anywhere, Robotium, UIAutomation,
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